We are the Burchwells going to Liberia
God has called us to Liberia West Africa to preach the gospel, disciple believers, and plant churches. We are excited for all that God will do!
Kyle's Testimony:
Kyle grew up in a Christian home and accepted the Lord as his Savior at the age of four. Kyle's father surrendered to serve the Lord as a pastor during his later years, and moved his family to Lattimore, North Carolina to attend bible college. Because of this, Kyle became familiar with the idea of serving God with his life as a child. During his early teens, he surrendered to full-time Christian service and then specifically to missions at a youth camp.
Following God's leading, Kyle enrolled at Ambassador Baptist Bible College in 2014. During his college internship in 2018, God burdened his heart for the country of Liberia. He has been pursuing this calling ever since, visiting the country again in 2020 and in 2022.
Kyle met his wife Elisabeth during the senior year of his undergraduate studies, and they were married in 2021. During his graduate studies, Kyle's father developed terminal brain cancer while pastoring at First Baptist Church of Limestone in Pennsylvania. Following his graduation, Kyle and his wife moved to Pennsylvania to assist his father, pastoring there for nearly two years. Still seeking the Lord’s will concerning the next steps towards the field, Kyle and Elisabeth joined BIMI in December of 2022. After the Lord brought another pastor to the church, Kyle and Elisabeth started deputation in April of 2023.
Elisabeth's Testimony
Elisabeth grew up in a Christian home, and her father became a pastor during her early teenage years. She was saved just before her fifth birthday, and at the age of twelve, she gave her life to the Lord to do whatever He had for her to do. Elisabeth enrolled at Ambassador Baptist Bible College in 2017, where she majored in elementary education. While at Ambassador, she met her future husband, Kyle. They were married in June of 2021. Elisabeth continued her education with a master's degree in elementary education from West Coast Baptist College. She visited Liberia for the first time in 2022, and is excited by the opportunities to use her passion for teaching to serve the Lord on the field. Elisabeth served alongside her husband while he pastored First Baptist Church of Limestone, and is looking forward to serving the Lord with him in Liberia, West Africa.
God has called us to the mission field

Would you consider partnering with us?
We rely on churches like yours to support us in spreading the gospel across the country of Liberia. Contact us or download our packet to learn how you can partner with us.